Monday, August 11, 2008
Georgia on My Mind
I think you've hit the nail on the head. Don't know if you've noticed the related post in HuffPo about Randy Scheunemann's relationship with Georgia: he's their LOBBYIST!
And John McShame's principal foreign policy puppeteer -- er, "advisor".
I wonder when Saakashvili will grok that his "adviser" is playing him for a patsy to get his man elected. The same man who said "Barack Obama would lose a war to get elected". The presumptive nominee of the party the ALREADY started a war to get elected. The man who does not give a DAMN about the number of Georgians who will be slaughtered in this Wag the Dog war so long as he can tar his progressive opponent as "soft on the Soviets". (they're the contemporaries of the Czechoslovaks.....)
About Iraq
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost