Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Equinox + 5

Hello, folks. I guess I didn't exactly get back to this as soon as I thought. For the past year I've been experiencing some ennui; some "why bother; the world is doomed anyway". But the words keep itching inside my head, so here goes.

First I'd like to copy a post from the Norfolk Southern stock board I made a few days ago, suitably modified for a blog. Perhaps you'll think it a bit extreme, but the fact is that in a universe having more galaxies than the stars in our own, the belief that "God's only begotten son" appeared on this obscure planet orbiting a middling sun fairly far out one of the arms of a medium size spiral galaxy in a small local group is pretty laughable. Bluntly put.

Anyway, here's the post with most of the railroad specific stuff removed.

Face it people, the US has borrowed its way into insolvency, both governmental (~$60 trillion in unfunded liabilities and counting) and personal. No, you Republican fat-cats aren't hurting -- yet -- but the people who buy the crap that your Chinese factories spew out sure are. The reason that the unemployment rate has stayed low until now is that a high percentage of the people who used to build those empty McMansions "in the housing inventory" are illegal immigrants. So when they lay down their hammmers, they don't count in the UI statistics. Still, even as underpaid for construction workers as they were, they still bought lots of stuff at Mall-Wart and other places. Seen the YOY store comps from the Bentonville Beavers and Home Despot? Not a pretty picture.

Then there are the mortgage pumpers down in the OC where for the second time in two decades the curtain wall buildings are see through.

How's it feeling down in Diego, Pumper? The slosh from the meltdown just up "the 5" and your own "we got no jobs except the Navy but come on down and buy a house for $600K" bubble taking some of the gas out of that "back up the truck"?

And Vladimir, how IS that Red Heifer? It's true that the end is coming, but it's not because of some jealous-husband "God" fantasy hurling thunderbolts. It's because of the fantasmagorical forebrain of the great ape who created Him and it's ceaselessly creative ways to cheat, lie to and steal from other apes. And of course to "externalize costs" which rightly belong to it's legal fictions.

Baboons with nuclear bombs and SUV's; what an effective combination for Armageddon.

As you can see, there are quite a few comments directed at particular right-wingers on the NS corp board (it's infested with them, not surprisingly since it's the railroad on which Jefferson Davis attempted to escape ).

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